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Letter From Our Founder

As I sit here finding the words to write, I want to invite you into my world. I am a multilingual world traveler, former attorney in the corporate world, mother to two young boys, NFL fan, lover of art and history, marathon runner, and now—a naturopathic medical student at Bastyr University in the PNW. Now approaching my mid-40s I want to align my life with my heart, and do what’s most important to my soul—to teach, to learn, and create greater health equity in the world. And so, I launched Kinnext. 

I created Kinnext to share my journey with you at the intersection of health, medicine & lifestyle. I have always wanted to be a physician, and am now realizing that childhood dream through the lens of integrative naturopathic medicine. Growing up, my mother was intentional about using food as medicine and other techniques to promote holistic healing—now I am learning the science behind it all (and more). I invite you to be on this journey with me through medical school and beyond. 

Through Kinnext, I hope to inspire, empower, & inform others on how we can take a new sense of ownership on our health. Kinnext is short for “kinetic energy” and “Next Level Wellness”. With everything going on in the world, we need to use an integrative approach to keep our minds, bodies, and spirits healthy. In partnership with allopathic or western medicine, naturopathic medicine has the power to provide deeply healing, far-reaching, individualized, long term solutions. Physicians, whether allopathic, naturopathic, or osteopathic, are all operating within the same principles of doing no harm, while relentlessly working for the best interest of the patient. I truly believe that our bodies are very powerful, and bringing your body into a baseline will allow it to function effectively and heal. 

I hope to inspire those who have been wanting to make a change in their lives, to be that change. You are welcome to send me suggestions or topics you would like for me to research. I look forward to getting to know you on this wonderful journey we call life.

Here’s to creating beautiful lives & abundant health.