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Taking The Plunge: My Ice Bath Journey

For the longest time, a close friend of mine had been urging me to try cold plunging. Despite her persistently reminding me to try, I remained skeptical. At the time, I had been struggling with constant bloating, no matter what I did, and was desperate for some sort of solution. One day, she came over to mine, looking chic in her high-heel designer wedges and carrying her Birkin bag, along with a bath cart. I had no reason not to give it a try, and that day marked the beginning of my cold plunge journey.

My First Plunge

We filled my tub with ice, and with her encouragement, I took the plunge. The initial shock to my system was intense, but she guided me through the process, reassuring me every step of the way. I stayed in the icy water for five minutes. When i got out, my body was on fire it felt like it was burning as if my metabolism had kicked into high gear. I reached for a towel and she reminded me not to try warming up immediately, my body was naturally doing the job. Ever since I’ve been hooked.

Integrating Cold Plunging into Daily Life

Cold plunging has now become a part of our daily routine. My son has also embraced it, and we hardly go a day without it. Here's how we manage it:

  • Preparation: We use a service to deliver ice every three days. My freezer has no produce… it's all ice lol.
  • Routine: Before bed, take a warm shower, skip the lotion, put on our suits, and jump into the cold water.
  • Temperature: We check to make sure the water temperature stays between 54-55 degrees Fahrenheit using a temperature gauge we got off Amazon. (A general rule: do not go below 50 degrees) We start with a low amount of water and add five bags of ice the night before 
  • Plunge: Wake up, put our suits on, jump in the water. 

The Cold Plunge Benefits I’ve Noticed

Over time, I discovered the numerous benefits of cold plunging:

  • Nerve Regeneration: The cold plunge aids in nerve regeneration, which for me has resulted in tighter skin. Despite drastic changes in my diet and health care routine, I have no loose skin whatsoever.
  • Mental Clarity: I feel as if I've had five cups of coffee after a cold plunge. It wakes me up, clears the fog from my brain, and lifts the heaviness, much better than a warm shower ever could.

Cold plunging has honestly transformed my life. It's not just about the physical benefits but also the mental clarity and energy boost it provides. If you're looking for a way to connect your body and mind, I highly recommend giving it a try. Just remember, start slow, stay safe, and enjoy!